3 T apple cider vinegar
3 T rice vinegar
1 T honey or Stevia sugar
1 T spicy Dijon or honey Dijon mustard (or a little of both as I did)
1 T canola oil
1/2 tsp sea salt
ground pepper
1/3 c diced red onion
15 oz can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
15 oz can red kidney beans
10oz frozen bag edamame shelled, cooked
1 lb green beans, cooked and cut into 1 inch pieces
1 red bell pepper, finely diced
2 T chopped parsley
In small bowl mix/whisk dressing together. In large bowl mix beans and veggies together. Mix two bowls together, toss in parsley and let chill for at least an hour before serving so flavors can blend. A festive and delicious dish!
Other festive dishes:
cherry tomatoes and mini cucumbers tossed in a vinaigrette
roasted veggies with spiced olive oil
Christmas Eve with the Boisen's
very cool gift from my sister...a finish line door mat for after my runs, or bikes, or swims :)
Mike got a peculiar gift from J and I :) We purchased this in's the David!
Peyton was all over unwrapping gifts
the dinner table...on the menu: clam chowder, tenderloin steaks, roasted veggies, 4 bean salad, tomatoes/cucumber salad, cranberries/ pear salad.... and of course dessert
some of the family...Drew(cousin), Jeremy, Dad, Bryan (brother), Marie (sister-in-law), Mike (brother-in-law)
enjoying some wine and apps....pumpkin, olive dip! (don't worry I will get the recipe posted)
A mean game of dominoes!
J and I Christmas Eve
Jeremy at our house opening a big gift! (yes we keep out house pretty cold...notice the stocking cap and fleece jacket)
Hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday! Now it's on to NYE and NY's resolutions!
I will have a New Year's special posted soon so be on the lookout.
Until next time...
look, good, feel good, do good
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